To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators together and the denominators together. So, (18/35) multiplied by (25/36) is equal to (18 * 25) / (35 * 36), which simplifies to 450 / 1260. This fraction can be simplified further by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (30), resulting in 15 / 42.
Since these numbers have no common factors, the fraction can't be simplified. Of course, you can convert it to decimal (divide 35 / 24), or expand the fraction (multiply numerator and denominator by some number).
The two numbers that multiply to make 25 and add to make 35 are 25 and 10. This is because 25 x 10 = 250 and 25 + 10 = 35. These two numbers satisfy both conditions simultaneously.
If you want to take 25% of off 140. Multiply 140 by .4 to find 25% (this is 35). Then subtract 35 from 140: 140-35 = 105. You could also subtract 25 from 100: 100-25 =75. Then multiply 140 by .75 and you will get 105.
24/35 is the simplest form.
5 and 35 5*35 =175 or 7 and 25 7*25=175
4 + 24 + 56 + 35 - 25 = 94
To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators together and the denominators together. So, (18/35) multiplied by (25/36) is equal to (18 * 25) / (35 * 36), which simplifies to 450 / 1260. This fraction can be simplified further by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (30), resulting in 15 / 42.
Since these numbers have no common factors, the fraction can't be simplified. Of course, you can convert it to decimal (divide 35 / 24), or expand the fraction (multiply numerator and denominator by some number).
The two numbers that multiply to make 25 and add to make 35 are 25 and 10. This is because 25 x 10 = 250 and 25 + 10 = 35. These two numbers satisfy both conditions simultaneously.
If you want to take 25% of off 140. Multiply 140 by .4 to find 25% (this is 35). Then subtract 35 from 140: 140-35 = 105. You could also subtract 25 from 100: 100-25 =75. Then multiply 140 by .75 and you will get 105.
24/35 is the simplest form.
70/48 = 35/24
25/35 = 0.7142857 or 5/7.
24/35 cannot be simplified further.
24/35 is in simplest form. It cannot be reduced.