When converting a percentage to a fraction, you just divide it by 100.25 / 100 = 1 /4
When converting a percentage to a decimal, you just move the decimal over two places to the left. It's the same as dividing it by 100, it is just already in decimal form.
25.0% --> more decimal two places to the left --> 0.25
The answer is 25% is 1/4 as a fraction and 0.25 as a decimal.
176% as a decimal is 1.76 and as a fraction is 44/25 in its simplest form
25% as a fraction in its simplest form is 1/4 and as a decimal it is 0.25
72% is 0.72 as a decimal and as a fraction 18/25 in its simplest form
fraction: 4/100 = 1/25 decimal: 0.04
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 32 percent is equal to 8/25 or eight twenty-fifths. Expressed as a decimal fraction, 32 percent is equal to 0.32.
176% as a decimal is 1.76 and as a fraction is 44/25 in its simplest form
88% as a fraction is 22/25 in its simplest form
25% as a fraction in its simplest form is 1/4 and as a decimal it is 0.25
It is: 25% = 1/4 = 0.25
4% as a reduced fraction is 1/25 or 0.04 as a decimal.
It is: 0.8% is 0.08 as a decimal and 2/25 as a simplified fraction
72% is 0.72 as a decimal and as a fraction 18/25 in its simplest form
36%(percent) = 0.36(decimal) = 9/25(fraction)
fraction: 4/100 = 1/25 decimal: 0.04
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 32 percent is equal to 8/25 or eight twenty-fifths. Expressed as a decimal fraction, 32 percent is equal to 0.32.
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, eight percent is equal to 2/25, or two twenty-fifths. Expressed as a decimal fraction, eight percent is equal to 0.08.
12% as a fraction = 12/100 = 3/25 in its simplest form 12% as a decimal = 0.12