27% = 27/100
You divide the numerator (top) by the GCF to give you the numerator for the reduced fraction. You divide the denominator (bottom) by the GCF to give you the denominator of the reduced fraction. DONE! For example, 27/45 GCF(27, 45) = 9 Numerator of reduced fraction = 27/9 = 3 Denominator of reduced fraction = 45/9 = 5 So reduced fraction = 3/5
27/60 = 9/20
0.135 = 135 / 1000 = 27 / 200 in reduced frac.
No, it cannot.
27% = 27/100
if I am not wrong....it would be 4.5 27 / 4.5 = 6 No, I beg to differ... The fraction 27 into 6 can be written as 6/27. This fraction can be reduced by dividing both the numerator (6) and the denominator (27) by 3. The reduced fraction is then 2/9, which cannot be reduced further. The decimal number is the repeating decimal 0.2222222222222222..... Oldsniper
The fraction 27/100 cannot be reduced any further.
You divide the numerator (top) by the GCF to give you the numerator for the reduced fraction. You divide the denominator (bottom) by the GCF to give you the denominator of the reduced fraction. DONE! For example, 27/45 GCF(27, 45) = 9 Numerator of reduced fraction = 27/9 = 3 Denominator of reduced fraction = 45/9 = 5 So reduced fraction = 3/5
It is: 18/27 = 2/3
27/60 = 9/20
0.135 = 135 / 1000 = 27 / 200 in reduced frac.
27.39 = 2739⁄100 = 27 39⁄100
It is: 3/20
No, it cannot.
3.375 = 27/8
27/196 this is the lowest term