To find a fraction's simplest form, you first need to identify any common divisors between the numerator and the denominator. In this case the numerator (27) and the denominator (75) can both divide by 3. If we do this we get 9/25. There are no more common factors. Thus the simplest form of 27/75 is 9/25.
62/75 is in its simplest form
75/47 is in its simplest form.
The simplest form of 40 over 75 is 8 over 15.
72/75 in simplest form is 24/25.
The simplest form of 21/75 is 7/25
75/112 is already in simplest form.
23/75 is in its simplest form.
62/75 is in its simplest form.
75/19 is in its simplest form.
62/75 is in its simplest form
75/47 is in its simplest form.
50 over 75 in simplest form is 2 over 3.
The simplest form of 20 over 75 is 4/15
The simplest form of 40 over 75 is 8 over 15.
72/75 in simplest form is 24/25.
The simplest form of 21/75 is 7/25
75/512 is in its simplest form.