All of any number is 100%
Adding 8.75% makes the number 108.75
which as a percentage is 1.0875
then 28 x 1.0875 = 30.45
65.95 plus 8.25 percent tax = 71.39
221.00 plus 8 percent tax = 238.68
159.99 plus 8.75 percent tax = 173.99
1850 plus 6 percent tax = 1961.00
39.99 plus 7 percent tax = 42.79
29.99 plus 6 percent tax = 31.79
309.55 plus 9.25 percent tax = 338.18
69.99 plus 5.000 percent tax = 73.49
92.40 plus 9.75 percent tax = 104.41
10.00 plus 7 percent tax is 10.70
65.95 plus 8.25 percent tax = 71.39
221.00 plus 8 percent tax = 238.68
159.99 plus 8.75 percent tax = 173.99
97.40 plus 20 percent tax = 116.88
985.00 plus 9.25 percent tax = 1,076.11
1850 plus 6 percent tax = 1961.00
39.99 plus 7 percent tax = 42.79