Well, isn't that a happy little number! If we're rounding 28.67 to the nearest whole number, we see that the decimal part is less than 0.5, so it will round down to 29. Just a little adjustment to keep things nice and tidy!
4.26 rounded to the nearest ones is 4.
10.65 rounded to the nearest ones is 11.
12.67 rounded to the nearest ones is 13
17.954 rounded to the nearest ones is 18
47.81 rounded to the nearest ones is 48
I think it is 5000
It is already rounded to the nearest ones.
23.09 rounded to the nearest ones = 23
10.49 rounded to the nearest ones is 10.
441.031 rounded to the nearest ones = 441
4.26 rounded to the nearest ones is 4.
10.65 rounded to the nearest ones is 11.
12.67 rounded to the nearest ones is 13
17.954 rounded to the nearest ones is 18
44.31 rounded to the nearest ones place is 44
47.81 rounded to the nearest ones is 48
3.35 rounded to nearest ones place is 3.00