2.82 is a fraction, a decimal fraction.
You can also express it as 2 82/100 or 241/50
282 percent as a decimal = 2.82282% = 282%/100% = 2.82
The original fraction is -145/(-282) or it could be 850/35700 or one of infinitely many possibilities.
28.2 is the same s 28 and 2/10 so it is 282/10 = 141/5
-282 - (1017) = -282 -1017 = -1299
282% as a decimal = 2.82 and as a fraction in its lowest terms = 141/50
282 is an integer and so there is not really a sensible way of writing it as a fraction or mixed number.
282 percent as a decimal = 2.82282% = 282%/100% = 2.82
The original fraction is -145/(-282) or it could be 850/35700 or one of infinitely many possibilities.
Yes, it can be reduced to 6/7.
It is not possible to answer this question because there is no decimal point in the number, nor is there any indication of the length of the recurring string. The number of interest could be any one of:0.282 282 282 ...0.28222...2.8222...2.828282...28.222...Perhaps you can resubmit the question using one of the above forms to get rid of the ambiguity.
28.2 is the same s 28 and 2/10 so it is 282/10 = 141/5
60% of 282= 60% * 282= 0.6 * 282= 169.2
-282 - (1017) = -282 -1017 = -1299