To give a number in its simplest form, you need to identify any common divisors between the denominator and numerator. In this case, both 36 and 28 divide by 4. If we do this, we get 9/7. 9 and 7 have no common factors, and so 36/28 in its simplest form is 9/7.
36/55 is in its simplest form.
31/36 is in its simplest form.
91/36 is in its simplest form.
To give a number in its simplest form, you need to identify any common divisors between the denominator and numerator. In this case, both 36 and 28 divide by 4. If we do this, we get 9/7. 9 and 7 have no common factors, and so 36/28 in its simplest form is 9/7.
49/36 is in its simplest form.
36/55 is in its simplest form.
31/36 is in its simplest form.
91/36 is in its simplest form.
7/36 is in its simplest form.
The simplest form of 36 over 1000 is 9/250
The simplest form of 15 over 36 = 5/12
3/4 + 7/9 = 27/36 + 28/36 = 55/36 which cannot be simplified further.
47/36 is already in its simplest form