535.6 divided by 35 using compatible numbers = 15.302857142857144
25x80 < 28x87 < 30x90 --> 2000 < 28x87 < 2700?
Ha, made you look
568-342 using compatible numbers = 226
Estimate 43/81 by using compatible numbers
535.6 divided by 35 using compatible numbers = 15.302857142857144
The best way to estimate a quotient using compatible numbers is to first understand how compatible numbers work. They are numbers that are close in value to the actual numbers and are easily added, subtracted or divided.
When estimating with compatible numbers, you look for numbers that are close to the original values but easier to work with. For 231, you could round it to 200 to simplify calculations. So, when using compatible numbers, 231 would be estimated to 200.
25x80 < 28x87 < 30x90 --> 2000 < 28x87 < 2700?
Umm you divide...
Ha, made you look