It is 10 rounded to the nearest whole number
Whole numbers such as 299 are not normally expressed as mixed numbers
10.1 rounded to the nearest whole number is 10.
The nearest whole number to 9.51 is 10
To the nearest 5, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 202. To the nearest 10, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 204. To the nearest 20, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 209. To the nearest 50, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 224. To the nearest 100, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 249. To the nearest 200, the largest whole number that rounds to 200 is 299.
It is 10 rounded to the nearest whole number
9.58 to the nearest whole is 10
Whole numbers such as 299 are not normally expressed as mixed numbers
10.3 to the nearest whole number is 10
10.1 rounded to the nearest whole number is 10.
Nearest whole number to 10.118 is 10
9.75 to the nearest whole number is 10.
The nearest whole number to 9.51 is 10
When rounding 10.3 to the nearest whole number, you look at the decimal part, which is 0.3 in this case. Since 0.3 is less than 0.5, you round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 10.3 rounded to the nearest whole number is 10.