66 2/3 as a percentage = 6666.66%
percentage = 150% % rate: = 3/2 * 100% = 1.5 * 100% = 150%
2 3/10 = 230%.
2/3 as a percentage of 1 billion = 2/3 * 100/1000000000 = 0.00000006666667
3/2 = 150% = 1.5
2 out 3 in percentage = 66.67%% rate:= 2/3 * 100%= 0.6667 * 100%= 66.67%
66 2/3 as a percentage = 6666.66%
2 3/4 = 275%
2 3/10 = 230%.
Expressed as a percentage, 2 3/16 is equal to 2 3/16 x 100 = 218.75 percent.
2/3 as a percentage of 1 billion = 2/3 * 100/1000000000 = 0.00000006666667
166 2/3% 166 2/3%
3/2 * 100 = 150%
3/2 = 150% = 1.5
A record of 3-2 is a winning percentage of .600. A record of 2-1 is a winning percentage of .667. So 2-1 is better than 3-2.
2/3 = 662/3 %