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It is 2.

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Q: What is 2 and 1 9ths rounded to the nearest half?
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2/3 rounded to the nearest half is 1/2 or 0.5

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12/16 rounded to the nearest half is 1.

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Rounded to the nearest half, 2/5 is approximately equal to 1/2 or one half.

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It is 1.

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It is 11.

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2.26 to the nearest half; 2.54 to the nearest tents (or to 1 dp).

What is the length to the nearest 1 half in?

It is the length of an object, where the measurement is rounded to the nearest 0.5 inches.

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3 1/16 rounded to nearesr half inch i2 3

What is two thirds rounded to A whole or a half?

2/3 to the nearest whole number is 1 2/3 to the nearest half is 1/2