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Q: What is 2 example of generalizing?
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What are the example of generalizing?

An example of generalizing would be saying that all persons of a certain religion are evil. Another example of generalizing would be saying that something must be bad just because one person had a bad experience with it.

What do you call generalizing from specific instances to broad principles?

I would call it "generalizing" myself, or maybe "generalizing from specific to broad"

A mistake of hasty generalizing in which the generalizing comes from a non-representative biased sample?

Biased generalization

What is a mistake of hasty generalizing which comes from a non representative i e biased sample?

Biased generalizing

What does over generalising mean?

#1. You spelled it wrong. #2. Google "Generalizing" and exagerate it a bit.

Why is generalizing dangerous practice?


What is meaning generalization in psychology?

1.) a principle,statement or idea having general application 2.) the act or an instance of generalizing

How is generalizing useful?

it uses electricity to create a magnet

What is generalizing?

It means classifying everything in the same manner, not making distinctions.

What is the definition of pejoritive?

Pejoritive : rude, offensive, generalizing, slang. Trash talking.

In psychological research the population is?

The population in psychological research refers to the entire group of individuals that researchers are interested in studying. This group serves as the target for generalizing research findings. For example, the population could be all adults suffering from anxiety.

What is a common mistake made when generalizing?

A common mistake made when generalizing is applying a blanket statement to a diverse group without considering individual differences or exceptions. This can lead to stereotypes and overlook the complexity and nuances within a population. It's important to be mindful of the limitations of generalizations and to recognize that they may not always hold true for every individual.