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Q: What is 2 hundred as a decimal?
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What does 2 over a hundred look like in decimal form?

2/100 = 0.02

What is 2 and one hundred nine thousandths in decimal form?

It is 2.109

How do you write 2 hundred thousands in decimal form?

200,000 There is no need for a decimal point. And any 0s after a decimal point are inappropriate since they indicate a level of precision for which there is no justification.

What is 10000000 equal to?

One hundred thousand, accurate to 2 decimal places.

What is 2 places after the decimal?

Hundredths. (Something on top of a hundred when you convert to fractions.)

How do you spell 0.00002?

The decimal 0.00002 is 2/100000ths (two hundred-thousandths).

How do you change two hundred hundredths into decimals and fraction?

Two hundred hundredths is 2. This can also be written as 2.0 (decimal) or 2/1 (fraction).

What is two and two hundred and twenty-six thousands as a decimal?

Expressed as a decimal, 2 226/1000 is equal to 2.226.

What is two hundred sixty and two hundredths in decimal form?

Expressed as a decimal number, 260 2/100 is equal to 260.02.