4 over 3.
In adding fractions, you just add the numerators together if the denominators are the same.
It is: 1/3 plus 1/3 = 2/3
((2 plus (1 over 4)) plus 3) plus (7 over 8) = 6.12500
2 & 1 over 4 (2.25)
2/5 plus 1/3 plus 5/6 is equal to 1.57 or 1 57/100
2 over 3 plus four over six equals 2
2 over 3 plus 5 over 9 equals 11 over 9 or 1 and 2 ninths.
8/3 = 2 and 2/3
It is: 2/15 plus 3/9 = 7/15
2 3 over 20
One over six plus one over six is 2/6. That fraction can be reduced to 1/3. Two over three is written as 2/3. 2/3 plus 1/3 is equal to 1, or a whole.
4/6 or 2/3
2 over 3