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These are accounts receivable and accounts payable terms. "4% 25th prox" means that the payer of this invoice will be granted a 4% discount (usually excluding freight costs) if the bill is paid by the 25th of the next month. "Net 60" means that the full invoice is due 60 days after the invoice date. On a Receivables side, it is important to save envelopes of incoming payments which have NOT met the discount deadline, to document when a payment was mailed. Part of the Payables/Receivables cat-and-mouse game is for a customer (the payer) to PRINT a check in time to deduct the discount - but not MAIL it until the customer has funds to cover it. The vendor (seller who is owed the money) has offered the discount if paid according to the terms, and if the payer does not honor the terms, the payer forfeits the discount. In a dispute, the remittance envelope proves the payment date. In reality, if the payer usually pays timely and is otherwise a good customer, the vendor will grant the discount. It's all negotiable.
Why Do People Need To Waigh early gold coins? becuase most people in the 1608 faked gold and keept gold to there self and make diffrent types and sold it so most was prox and fake and the persentage was that there like 30% left in the world wide
Clarification -- prox is a shortned form of the latin proximo, meaning next (not approxmate as is commonly beliexed.) So, Net 10th Prox menas that payment in full is due ON the 10th of the next (proximo) month.
its a lollypop
This is a type of Payment Terms that applies to an account between an Vendor and Customer. This is how it is defined: Any Invoice dated from the 1st of a given month to the 25th, will be due by the 10th of the following month. If an Invoice is not paid on time, that is by the 10th, a 1.5% service charge will apply.
new 1st/10th/20th sub
prox is short for Proximo, meaning in or of the following month. Generally speaking prox 25 usually means payment is due on the 25th day of the following month. For example, you receive your bill/invoice dated October 15, the payment is due before or on November 25.
prox dynamics as
Prox means 'in or about the next month'
in order to receive the discount payment is to be made by the 15th of the following month(depending upon the cutoff date being used) otherwise, payment is to be made in 60 days from the discount date. Ex. Based on a 25th cut-off invoice date 9/1 has until 10/15 for discount or 12/15 without discount.
This is really odd for me to see, usually when a company uses "prox" it's for dates, such as 1-30 (days of the month). From what I've seen however, Prox 45, may mean that the payment is due with-in 45 days of the invoice date. Prox standing for Proximo, which literally means, Of or in the following month {or} in or of the next month after the present; "scheduled for the 6th prox"
Usually 2 % 15th prox net 25 means, if you pay by the 15th of the following month you can take a 2% discount, net 25 means the full amount is due by around the 25th of the month.Many companys offer this small discount to customers to encourage to pay early. 2% may not seem like much, but if you are a company, buying from another company and spending thousands of dollars, 2% can add up to be a HUGE savings.Prox stands for Proximo meaning Of or in the following month
Alfred Prox has written: 'Die Schneckenbergkultur' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Bronze age
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