

What is 2 thirds times 60?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is 2 thirds times 60?
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What is two thirds of 60?

2/3 of 60 = 40

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What Number is Two thirds of 60?

2/3 of 60 is 40.

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2/3 of 60 = 40

Two-thirds of what equals 60?

(2/3)x = 60; x = 60/(2/3) = 90.

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2/3 x 90 = 60

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40 minutes beacuse if you divide 60 by 3 you get 20 and then times 20 by 2equals 40so the answer is40 minutes is 2 thirds of a hour

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Two-thirds of 90 is 60. Divide 90 by 3 to find thirds. 8 30 = 1/3 so 60 = 2/3.

What is the answer to four thirds times two thirds?

2 of them times 4 is 8, so 8 thirds = 8/3 = 2 and 2/3