

What is 2 times an exponent of 20?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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12y ago

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An example is 2 . Because 200 = 1, therefore 1 is an exponent of 20. And 1 * 2= 2.

If you mean x20, then still, 2 works.

So conclusion:

The most simple answer is 2

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Q: What is 2 times an exponent of 20?
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20 with an exponent of 2 means 20 squared, or 20 times 20, or 400. An exponent of 3 means 20 cubed, or 20 times 20 times 20, or 8000. The exponents work as they do for any other base.

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the exponent is 2, expressed as twenty, squared or 20 X 20.

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20 = 20^1 so for base 20, the exponent is 1. 20 = 10^1.3020 (approx) so for base 10, the exponent is 1.3010 20 = 2^4.3219 (approx) so for base 2, the exponent is 4.3219

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An exponent tells how many times a number is used as a factor.

How do you use an exponent?

its shows how many times you multiply a number to its self.. if you got 2 exponent means you have to multiply 2, 5 times to itself.. 2x2x2x2x2=32

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Exponent. For example: in 25 (which can also be written 2^5), 5 is the exponent and means that the 2 is multiplied 5 times (or 2*2*2*2*2).

What is an integral exponent?

If you have a real number,a, and raise it to a power b we say a^b is a times itself b times. That is to say b times. a is the base and b is the exponent. So if b is an integer,... -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3... ,then we have an integral exponent. Examples are 2^5 and 2^-3. An example that is NOT an integral exponent is 2^(1/2) since 1/2 is not an integer. Dr. ChuckIt means that the exponent is a whole number, for example 3, 0, or -5.

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2 x 2 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 11 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 The GCF is 2 x 2 x 3 x 7