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2 sqrt 2 x 2 sqrt2 = 4 x 2 = 8

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Q: What is 2 times the square root of 2 then squared?
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Squared. E.g the square root of 4 is 2, and 2 squared is 4.

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+ Square root of 64 divided by square root of 16= 8/4=2. 2+5=7.7 squared 7 times is 823,534. 823,534 - 19=823,524.So the answer is 823,524.

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How do you square a square root?

The square of any square root is equal to the number itself. For example, the square of the square root of 2 squared is equal to 2. The square root of 10 squared is equal to 10.Similarly, the square of the square root of 2 is equal to 2.

X squared Times Square root of x?

: x squared times square root of x : : = x^2 * x^(1/2) : = x^[2+(1/2)] : = x^[(4/2)+(1/2)] : = x^(5/2) : which is the same thing as : square root of (x raised to the 5th power)

What is 2 times the square root of 2 squared?

4 the way you work this is: 2*(sqrt)2^2 the square root cancels out the exponent, so your left with 2*2

What is the square root of 2 squared?

The square root of 2 squared is 2. sqrt(22)=2 The square root function and the exponent 2 and opposite function and cancel each other out. 22=4 sqrt(4)=2 =>sqrt(22)=2 What is the (square root of 2) squared - If you take the square root of a number then square it the answer is the number itself, so the answer is 2! What is the square root of (2 squared) - Looking at the question another way, if you take a number and square it, the square root of the resulting answer is the number itself, so the answer is 2! Unless, of course, this is a trick question . . . ivj

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If you mean 84 squared then it is 84*84 = 7056 If you mean the square root of 84 then it is 2 times the square root of 21 which is an irrational number