

What is 2cosx?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What is 2cosx?
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What is cos2 x divided by cos x?

cos2x/cosx = 2cosx - 1/cosx

What is the derivative of 2cosx?

d/dx 2 cos x = -2 sin x

What is the anti-derivative of -2cosx?

take out the constant -2 then take the intergral of cosx this will give you sinx your answer is -2sinx

What is the exact value answers in degrees of two cos x minus radical three equals zero?

30 degrees explanation 2Cosx-radical 3=0 Then 2cosx=radical 3 and cos x=(radical 3)/2 Now remember that cos 300 is (radical 3)/2 from the 30/60/90 triangle. So the answer is 30 degrees.

How do you find the solutions of tanx equals 2cscx?

tanx=2cscx sinx/cosx=2/sinx sin2x/cosx=2 sin2x=2cosx 1-cos2x=2cosx 0=cos2x+2cosx-1 Quadratic formula: cosx=(-2±√(2^2+4))/2 cosx=(-2±√8)/2 cosx=(-2±2√2)/2 cosx=-1±√2 cosx=approximately -2.41 or approximately 0.41. Since the range of the cosine function is [-1,1], only approx. 0.41 works. So: cosx= approx. 0.41 Need calculator now (I went as far as I could without one!) x=approx 1.148

How do you solve 1 minus cosx divided by sinx plus sinx divided by 1 minus cosx to get 2cscx?

(1-cosx)/sinx + sinx/(1- cosx) = [(1 - cosx)*(1 - cosx) + sinx*sinx]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [1 - 2cosx + cos2x + sin2x]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [2 - 2cosx]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [2*(1-cosx)]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = 2/sinx = 2cosecx

What are the solutions of 2 cos squared x minus cos x equals 1?

2cos2x - cosx -1 = 0 Factor: (2cosx + 1)(cosx - 1) = 0 cosx = {-.5, 1} x = {...0, 120, 240, 360,...} degrees

Find y' of y x 2cosx?

Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "times", "equals", "squared".

What is the derivative of x 2cosx?

For f(x) + g(x), the derivative d/dx[f(x) + g(x)] = f'(x) + g'(x). Essentially, this just means that since it's addition, you can take the derivative of each part.d/dx(x - 2cosx) =* d/dx is a way to indicate you're taking the derivatived/dx(x) + d/dx(-2cosx)* take the derivative of each part, distributing(1) + (-2*-sinx)* f(x) = x, f'(x) = 1 & g(x) = -2cosx, g'(x) = +2sinx= 1 + 2sinx

Solve the equation 3cosx equals 2 for 0dgrees x 360degrees?

To solve this equation, you must first put the equation in terms of cosx.3cosx=2cosx = 2/3Next, you find the reference angle (α) by finding the cos inverse of 2/3.α=cos-1(2/3) = 48.19 Degrees (approximately)find the distance from from 48.19 and 90 you then add the difference to 270 giving you the two answers which are ... 48.19 and 311.81 (approximately)

What is sin 3x in terms of sin x?

given the identity sin(x+y)=sinx cosy + siny cosxsin2x = 2 sinx cosx andsin(2(x)+x) = sin 2x cos x + sinx cos 2xusing the last two identities givessin3x= 2 sinx cosx cosx + sinx cos2xfactoring the sinx we havesin3x = sinx(2cosx cosx+cos2x)which satisfies the requirement.However, we can simplify further since cos 2x = cosx cosx - sinx sinx (a well known identity)sin3x = sinx (2cosx cosx +cosx cosx - sinx sinx)so sin3x= sinx(3cosx cosx - sinx sinx)or sin 3x = 3.cos²x.sinx - sin³x* * * * *Good, but not good enough. The answer was required in terms of sin, not a mixture of sinx and cosx. Easily recitified, though, since cos²x = 1 - sin²xTherefore sin3x = 3*(1-sin²x)*sinx - sin³x= 3sinx - 3sin³x - sin³x= 3sinx - 4sin³x