318 is approximate to:0 to the nearest thousand300 to the nearest hundred320 to the nearest ten
3.9356 to the nearest tenth is 3.9
A tenth of 0.44 is 0.044. The nearest tenth to it is zero. 0.44 rounded to the nearest tenth is 0.4 .
It's already there.
To the nearest 'TENTH' is 318.0 The 'zero' is in the 'Tenth' place. However, if you mean the 'ten' place then 318 ~ 320 NB Remember the column names '3' ; Hundreds '1' ; Tens '8' ; Units Decimal point '0' ; Tenths. ( Note in decimal digits ; it is '---ths'. suffix. This does not occue in the non-decimal digits.
318 is approximate to:0 to the nearest thousand300 to the nearest hundred320 to the nearest ten
3.9356 to the nearest tenth is 3.9
A tenth of 0.44 is 0.044. The nearest tenth to it is zero. 0.44 rounded to the nearest tenth is 0.4 .
It's already there.
It is 1.0 to the nearest tenth and not 0.9
It is already to the nearest tenth as 3.2
The nearest tenth is 0.5
It is 0.4 to the nearest tenth
what is 0.74 to the nearest tenth
It is 2.1 to the nearest tenth