43 is what percent of 344= 43 / 344= 0.125Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.125 * 100 = 12.5%
It is already in 1 decimal place
It is 10.7 when rounded to 1 decimal place
It is 4.5 rounded to 1 decimal place
40.92 to 1 decimal place = 40.9
0.344 is a decimal.
43 is what percent of 344= 43 / 344= 0.125Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.125 * 100 = 12.5%
34.4% divided by 100% = .344 (decimal)
It is already in 1 decimal place
When rounding 3.25 to 1 decimal place, you look at the second decimal place, which is 5. Since 5 is equal to or greater than 5, you round up the first decimal place. Therefore, 3.25 rounded to 1 decimal place is 3.3.
11.95 to 1 decimal place is 12.0.
7.29 to 1 decimal place is 7.3.
what is 8.99 rounded to 1 decimal place
It is 10.7 when rounded to 1 decimal place
It is 4.5 rounded to 1 decimal place
40.92 to 1 decimal place = 40.9