There is no such thing as the "nearest decimal place".
5.43 to the nearest decimal place = 5.4
2.53 rounded to the nearest decimal place is 2.5 2.53 rounded to the nearest decimal place is 2.5
5.7 rounded to the nearest decimal place would be 6.
Expressed to 1 decimal place it is 7.5 or expressed to the nearest integer it is 8
To write 345 as a decimal, you place the decimal point after the last digit. So, 345 written as a decimal is 345.0. This is because the decimal point is always placed after the whole number part, even if there are no decimal digits.
There is no such thing as the "nearest decimal place".
5.43 to the nearest decimal place = 5.4
2.53 rounded to the nearest decimal place is 2.5 2.53 rounded to the nearest decimal place is 2.5
what is 6.29892178 to the nearest 1 decimal place
To round 345 to the nearest ten, you look at the digit in the tens place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, you keep the tens digit the same and change all digits to the right to zero. Therefore, rounding 345 to the nearest ten gives you 340.
5.7 rounded to the nearest decimal place would be 6.
345 rounds to zero.
To one decimal place it is 1.6
Expressed to 1 decimal place it is 7.5 or expressed to the nearest integer it is 8
The nearest decimal point to the question is, 2.4