3.4% in decimal form is .034.
Remember - to change a percentage to decimal move the decimal point TWO (2) places to left. To change a decimal to a percentage - move the decimal point TWO (2) places to the right.
the answer is 0.34
It is 36 or 3600%.
Take off the percent sign and move the decimal 2 times to the left. E.g. 34% = 0.34
0.34 = 34%
the answer is 0.34
It is 36 or 3600%.
To change a decimal to a percent, multiply by 100. So, 34 x 100 = 3,400%
The percent form of 34 is 3,400%
Take off the percent sign and move the decimal 2 times to the left. E.g. 34% = 0.34
34 is what percent of 77= 34 / 77= 0.441558Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.441558 * 100 = 44.16%
0.34 = 34%
34% means 34 divided by '100' Hence on the calculator '34' , 'divide', '100', '=' 0.34 The answer. NB Don't forget to write in the prefix '0'
2 Percent in decimal form is 0.02
67 percent in decimal form is 0.67