To convert a decimal to a fraction, we can write the decimal as a fraction with the decimal as the numerator and a power of 10 as the denominator. In this case, 3.9 can be written as 39/10. To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 1. Therefore, 3.9 as an improper fraction is 39/10.
39/13 is already an improper fraction. Its numerator which is 39 is greater than its denominator, 13.
39 1/5 or as an improper fraction, 196/5
9.75 = 39/4 as an improper fraction in its lowest terms
It is simply 39/1 as an improper fraction
39/13 is already an improper fraction. Its numerator which is 39 is greater than its denominator, 13.
It is: 3.9 = 39/10 as an improper fraction
seven and four fifths as an improper fraction is 39 over 5
7.8 as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 39/5
39 1/5 or as an improper fraction, 196/5
9.75 = 39/4 as an improper fraction in its lowest terms
1.95 as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 39/20
9.75 = 9 3/4, or 39/4 as an improper fraction.