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300000000000000 plus 2322323236573887575675476756756766957657657576759685 is



Its easier if you write it out...

2322323236573887575675476756756766957657657576759685 +

0000000000000000000000000000000000000300000000000000 =


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Q: What is 300000000000000 plus 2322323236573887575675476756756766957657657576759685?
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Well, that is a VERY super compicated question, well, maybe 300000000000000! JK! mAYBE 20~30 or so....................

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I use the long scale (as used in countries like Europe) based on powers of a million, so I write it as:300000000000000 (= 3 x 1014) Others use the short scale (as used in countries like USA) based on powers of a thousand (plus one), and so write it as:300000000000 (= 3 x 1011)

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multiply the one and the three 3x1=3....then add the zeros. 300000000000000 is the answer. your either really young, or bored.

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Oh honey, that's a big number! That's 300 trillion if you want to get fancy with it. Just a whole lotta zeros stacked up, nothing more, nothing less. Hope that satisfies your curiosity, darling!

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