30,000,000 <= Number >= 300,000,000
Either 3,300,000 or 3 300 000
Remember when working with numbers it goes (from lowest to greatest):OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen ThousandsHundred ThousandsMillionsTen MillionsHundred MillionsBillionTen BillionHundred BillionsTrillionsand so on.So it would be: 3 Trillion > 300 Billion > 30 Million > 300 Thousand.
How much is 300 million in numbers?300 million in numbers is, 300,000,000.
3,000,000 pounds.
30,000,000 <= Number >= 300,000,000
To write 300 million in numbers, you would write 300,000,000. This is because the number 300 represents the hundreds place, and adding six zeros after it signifies the million unit. The commas are used to separate the digits into groups of three for easier readability.
Either 3,300,000 or 3 300 000
A billion pound(s)
Remember when working with numbers it goes (from lowest to greatest):OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen ThousandsHundred ThousandsMillionsTen MillionsHundred MillionsBillionTen BillionHundred BillionsTrillionsand so on.So it would be: 3 Trillion > 300 Billion > 30 Million > 300 Thousand.
300 million = 3000 lakhs
300 trillion.