30% can be expressed as a decimal: 30% = 0.3When you convert a percentage to adecimal, just move the decimal place two places to the left (you are dividing by 100).
To find the percentage of something, just multiply it by the percentage as adecimal.
0.3 x 3 years = 0.9 years.
The answer is 0.9 years.
10% of 30 is 3
3 + 15 = 18
.3 * 250 = 75 .3 is equal to 30% of something.
30 percent in fraction = 30/100 or 3/10
Expressed as a decimal, 30 percent is equal to 0.3.
Multiply 30 by the decimal form of 10 percent which is .10. 30 x .10 = 3, so 10 percent of 30 is 3.
10% of 30 is 3
10% of 30% = 0.03 or 3%
ten percent of 30 dollars = 3 dollars10% of $30= 10% * $30= 10%/100% * $30= $3/1 or $3
30 percent = 0.3 or 3/10
3 percent of 1000 is 30.
30 percent to a fraction = 3/1030%= 30%/100%= 3/10 in fraction
3 + 15 = 18
.3 * 250 = 75 .3 is equal to 30% of something.
30 at 1 percent compounded over 10 years makes 30*(1.01)10 = 33.14 (approx).
30 percent in fraction = 30/100 or 3/10