It is 4,702.5
4750 X 1.20 = 5700 You get your number and multiply it by 1.2 This means you are multiplying it by 20% as 100% = 1 and 20% = .20 (converting percentages to decimals) This is how you get the above equation.
4750 as a decimal is 4750 - the same as it was. It is an integer and it makes little sense to express it as a fraction but, if you must, you could write it as 4750/1
"Percent" = "of 100". So 30 is 30% of 100.
18 percent of 30 is 5.4
It is 4,702.5
95000 is 100 percent. 95000/100 = 950 is 1 percent. This value times 5 gives you the 5 percent. Solution: 4750
4750 X 1.20 = 5700 You get your number and multiply it by 1.2 This means you are multiplying it by 20% as 100% = 1 and 20% = .20 (converting percentages to decimals) This is how you get the above equation.
4750 as a decimal is 4750 - the same as it was. It is an integer and it makes little sense to express it as a fraction but, if you must, you could write it as 4750/1
4750 + 680 = 5430
Answer: 4750 gal(US Liq) = 17,980.706 L
no the 4750 was the one that had the recall
30% of 30% = 0.09 or 9%
"Percent" = "of 100". So 30 is 30% of 100.
95% of 50 = 47.5= 95% * 50= 0.95 * 50= 47.5
30 percent of 150 percent = 45%