4.32 dollars
four hundred dollars
Two hundred and forty-four dollars.
It is: 4% of 420,000 = 16,800 dollars
4.32 dollars
four hundred dollars
One hundred one thousand, four hundred forty dollars and eighty centsFor writing a check: one hundred one thousand four hundred forty and 80/100 dollars
Four hundred thousand
40% = 0.4224 * 0.4 = $89.60----if its 40% off then the answer is 224-89.6= $134.40
The number 144.00 is "one hundred forty-four" (and no hundredths). The currency amount $144.00 is "one hundred forty-four dollars" (and no cents).
Forty million dollars.
Four thousand four hundred forty-four and 00/100 dollars
Fifty percent means half. Half of four hundred is two hundred.
Two hundred and forty-four dollars.