Well honey, 493 over 1000 in simplest form is 493/1000. You can't simplify it any further because there are no common factors to divide both numbers by. So there you have it, simple as can be.
493/60 is 8.21667 hours. so 8x60 is 480 mins. Therefore 493-480 is 13 mins left over. Thus it is 8hrs and 13 mins
1 x 493, 17 x 29 = 493
493 percent into a decimal = 4.93493% = 493%/100% = 4.93
493 is not prime. 493 = 17 * 29
The EPA range estimate for the 2002 Chevrolet Impala is 323 mi. in the city, 493 mi. on the highway.
The EPA range estimate for the 2009 Chevrolet Impala is 323 mi. in the city, 493 mi. on the highway.
The EPA range estimate for the 2004 Chevrolet Impala is 323 mi. in the city, 493 mi. on the highway.
The EPA range estimate for the 2011 Chevrolet Impala is 323 mi. in the city, 493 mi. on the highway.
The EPA range estimate for the 2001 Chevrolet Impala is 323 mi. in the city, 493 mi. on the highway.
The EPA range estimate for the 2003 Chevrolet Impala is 323 mi. in the city, 493 mi. on the highway.
The EPA range estimate for the 2005 Chevrolet Impala is 323 mi. in the city, 493 mi. on the highway.
Well honey, 493 over 1000 in simplest form is 493/1000. You can't simplify it any further because there are no common factors to divide both numbers by. So there you have it, simple as can be.
493 = 493/1
493/60 is 8.21667 hours. so 8x60 is 480 mins. Therefore 493-480 is 13 mins left over. Thus it is 8hrs and 13 mins
54 and 7/9
1 x 493, 17 x 29 = 493