A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 3313.
33*13 = 429.
I don't know how many significant figures you need, but if you type it into a calculator: 13/33 = 0.393939394
33 over 50 into decimal = 0.66 33/50: = 33 ÷ 50 = 0.66 in decimal
No, 33 is an integer. 0.3333 repeating is a repeating decimal.
33/50 as a decimal is 0.66
33*13 = 429.
I don't know how many significant figures you need, but if you type it into a calculator: 13/33 = 0.393939394
33 over 50 into decimal = 0.66 33/50: = 33 ÷ 50 = 0.66 in decimal
33%:= 0.33 in decimal= 33/100 in fraction
To convert 7/33 to a decimal, you divide 7 by 33. The result is approximately 0.2121 when rounded to four decimal places. This means that 7/33 as a decimal is 0.2121.
Yes 13 > 0.33 Method Add two decimal zeroes to '13' Hence 13.00 & 0.33 Drop the decimal points 1300 > 33 It is obvious that one thousand three hundred (1300) is greater than thirty three (33). Hence it follows that 13.00 > 0.33 => 13 > 0.33
33/1000 = 0.033 as a decimal
The decimal equivalent of 33 percent is: 0.33
No, 33 is an integer. 0.3333 repeating is a repeating decimal.
33 over 16 is 2.0625 as a decimal.
33/50 as a decimal is 0.66
33% of 13= 33% * 13= 0.33 * 13= 4.29