One third in decimal form is .3333 repeated
0.33 in decimal 33.33% in percentage
decimal form = .11111... percentage form = 11.11 %
0.3 recurring
As a decimal: 33.33333 As an improper fraction: 100/3 As a mixed number: 33 1/3
One third in decimal form is .3333 repeated
The answer is 33.3333%.
One third in decimal form is 0.3333 . . .
One third in decimal form is 0.33
0.33 in decimal 33.33% in percentage
One and one third is 1.3333 . . .
decimal form = .11111... percentage form = 11.11 %
0.3 recurring
As a decimal: 33.33333 As an improper fraction: 100/3 As a mixed number: 33 1/3
One half percent can be written in decimal as 0.005 or just .005
One half of one percent = 0.005
0.3333 repeating