Instead of "out of" say divide. 918 divided by 3400 can be written as a fraction where 918 is the numerator and 3400 is the denominator. When you divide, you get 0.27. When you multiply 0.27 by 100 you get a percentage, so 918 is 27% of 3400.
The percentage of 40% of 85 is 3400%
3400 is 340000%.
5% of 3400 is 5/100 x 3400 = 170
6% of 3,400= 6% * 3400= 0.06 * 3400= 204
Instead of "out of" say divide. 918 divided by 3400 can be written as a fraction where 918 is the numerator and 3400 is the denominator. When you divide, you get 0.27. When you multiply 0.27 by 100 you get a percentage, so 918 is 27% of 3400.
The percentage of 40% of 85 is 3400%
34 is an integer, not a fraction. The percentage equivalent is 3400%.
8% of 3400= 8% * 3400= 0.08 * 3400= 272
3400 is 340000%.
5% of 3400 is 5/100 x 3400 = 170
6% of 3,400= 6% * 3400= 0.06 * 3400= 204
It is: 3400/2 = 1700
15% of 3400 = 510
5% of 3400 = 170.