36% of 975= 36% * 975= 0.36 * 975= 351
45% of 780= 45% * 780= 0.45 * 780= 351
The absolute value can be thought as the distance from 0. In other words, if you started at zero and counted to that number what number would you be on when you got there. So -351 is 351 spaces away from 0. The absolute value of -351 or |-351| is 351. Pretty easy.
6788 - 351 = 6437
2 x 2 x 2399 = 9596
78% of 450 is 351.
All My Children - 1970 1-9596 was released on: USA: 16 April 2007
it is 127% of 300 hope it helped.. :D
36% of 975= 36% * 975= 0.36 * 975= 351
45% of 780= 45% * 780= 0.45 * 780= 351
Days of Our Lives - 1965 1-9596 was released on: USA: 10 July 2003 Belgium: 29 January 2008
Percentages are just decimals multiplied by 100, so 90 % = 0.90 To solve 90 percent of 390 you need simply to multiply 390 by 0.90 (390)(0.90)=351