Three hundred fifty million.
The answer depends on whether 350000000 is in degrees or radians!
%rate = (325 ÷350000000) x 100% = 0.00009286%
If you mean you have 350000000 dollars to spend on on 350000000 people - 1 dollar each. If you mean 350,000,000 dollars for each of 350,000,000 people - 122,500,000,000,000,000 dollars !
Three hundred fifty million.
The answer depends on whether 350000000 is in degrees or radians!
%rate = (325 ÷350000000) x 100% = 0.00009286%
If you mean you have 350000000 dollars to spend on on 350000000 people - 1 dollar each. If you mean 350,000,000 dollars for each of 350,000,000 people - 122,500,000,000,000,000 dollars !
% rate = 0.000571%=2000/350000000 * 100% = 2/3500 * 1%= 0.000571 * 1%= 0.000571%
About 0.000571429%.
It is 3.5*108
It works out as: 4/175 percent