363 rounded to the nearest ten is 360 and to the nearest hundred is 400.
To round 363 to the nearest hundred, we look at the hundreds place digit, which is 3. Since 3 is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, 363 rounded to the nearest hundred is 300.
363 to the nearest 10 is 360. 363 to the nearest 100 is 400.
363 rounded to the nearest hundred is 400. When rounding to the nearest hundred, you round up if you are at the halfway point or above (50), and round down if below. 363 rounded to the nearest ten is 360. When rounding to the nearest ten, you round up if you are at the halfway point or above (5), and round down if below.
The answer is 3.6
363.00 to the nearest hundredth. 400 to the nearest hundred.
It is 300 when rounded to the nearest hundred