36/63 can be simplified by dividing both numerator and denominator by 9, resulting in 4/7. Since 7 is a prime integer, this can not be further simplified.
54/63 = 6/7 simplified
63/64 cannot be simplified further.
6/63 = 2/21 simplified
45/63 is 5/7 simplified
36/63 can be simplified by dividing both numerator and denominator by 9, resulting in 4/7. Since 7 is a prime integer, this can not be further simplified.
12 over 63 simplified = 4/21
54/63 = 6/7 simplified
63/64 cannot be simplified further.
6/63 = 2/21 simplified
45/63 is 5/7 simplified
It is: 63/60 = 21/20 simplified
The simplified fraction of 15 over 63 is 5/21