25% of 148 is 37
25% off 148 is 148 - (0.25 x 148) = 148 - 37 = 111
148 % is 148/100 or 37/25 or 1 12/25
It is a 75% decrease
148/1000 = 37/250
The prime factors of 148 are 2 and 37. The prime factorization of 148 is 2 X 2 X 37 or 2^2 * 37
The least common multiple of the numbers 4 and 37 is 148.
148/264 = 37/66 in its lowest terms
148 percent of 13 is 148/100 * 13 = 19.24
It is: 26+37+42+43 = 148 and 148/4 = 37 which is the mean average