The number 387,210 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 390,000.
How to write 43million,297thousand,621
The answer depends on the degree to which the number needs to be rounded.
It is: 210/387*100 = 54.3% rounded to 1 decimal place
69 is approximately 17.8% of 387. The answer can be found as follows: 69/387 = 0.178 (rounded to nearest thousandth) 0.178 x 100 = 17.8 (rounded to nearest tenth) If you want to round it to the nearest whole number it would be approximately 18%
387 to the nearest 100 is 400.
You have asked to round the number to the nearest cent, but you have not said what the units are which that number represents. If it is 386.75 cents, then if we round it to the nearest cent, we get 387 cents. If, however, it is $386.75 then you can't round it to the nearest cent, you could only round it to the nearest dollar (in which case the answer would be $387).
387 to the nearest 100 is 400.
There are a number of interpretations of your question: Half of 177 is 88.5 and half of 210 is 105. 88.5 + 105 = 193.5 177 + 210 = 387 387 ÷ 2 = 193.5 Half of 177 plus 210: 88.5 + 210 = 298.5