It goes 3 times.
-38n = 46. n = 46 / -38 n = - 46 / 38 n = 1.2105
It doesn't go in evenly, but it does go in 7 times with a remainder of 38.
The common factors of 38 and 46 are 1 and 2.
38 is only about 46% of 83.
46 x 19 38 x 23 437 x 2 874 x 1
7 times with remainder of 4, or 7.67.
To express the numbers 46 and 38 as the sum of two odd primes, you can use the following combinations: For 46: 46 = 43 (a prime number) + 3 (a prime number) 46 = 41 (a prime number) + 5 (a prime number) For 38: 38 = 37 (a prime number) + 1 (a prime number) 38 = 31 (a prime number) + 7 (a prime number) So, 46 can be expressed as the sum of two odd primes in two ways, and 38 can also be expressed as the sum of two odd primes in two ways.