To calculate how many times 7 goes into 39, you would perform a division operation. 39 divided by 7 equals 5 with a remainder of 4. This means that 7 goes into 39 a total of 5 times, with 4 remaining.
39 goes into 46 1.18 times or 1 with remainder 7.
3 times
y*49/39 = 7/13 => y = 3/7
4 times with a remainder of 7
7 times. 39 times 7=273
Exactly 39 times
To calculate how many times 7 goes into 39, you would perform a division operation. 39 divided by 7 equals 5 with a remainder of 4. This means that 7 goes into 39 a total of 5 times, with 4 remaining.
It can be: 3 times (7-2+8) = 39
Well, honey, if we're talking about good ol' division, 5 goes into 39 a total of 7 times with a remainder of 4. So, technically, 5 goes into 39 about 7 times, but it doesn't fit perfectly, leaving you with a little leftover. Math can be a real stickler sometimes, can't it?
39 goes into 46 1.18 times or 1 with remainder 7.
3 times
y*49/39 = 7/13 => y = 3/7
Oh, dude, let's do some basic math here. So, 7 can go into 39, like, 5 times. You just, like, divide 39 by 7 and you get 5 with a remainder of 4. So, technically, 7 goes into 39, like, 5 times with a little bit left over. Math is fun, right?
4 times with a remainder of 7
39 times with a remainder of 3.