3/20 (3 divided by 20) = 0.15
To convert 0.15 to percent multiply by 100: 0.15 × 100 = 15 %
16/20 = 80%
It is 0.55
3/20 = 0.15
Seven twentieths (7/20 or 7 20ths) equals 35 percent.
Answer: 3/20ths
3/20 is 0.15
3 divided by 20 = 0.15
3/20ths = 0.15 = 15%
2 and 4/5ths is the same as 2 and 16/20ths. 1 and 1/4th is the same as 1 and 5/20ths. So if you add 2 and 16/20ths to 1 and 5/20ths you get 3 and 21/20ths which is the same as 4 and 1/20th.
3/20ths or 15%