3,600 is not an even thousand, so it can't be the thousand nearest to any number.
91460 to the nearest thousand 91046 to the nearest hundred 91000.2 to the nearest integer
7685 to the nearest thousand is 8000. thousand is the fourth digit left of a decimal. if the 3 digits before this (635) are smaller than 500 then the answer would be 7000.
3279078 to the nearest hundred thousand is 3 300 000
3,600 is not an even thousand, so it can't be the thousand nearest to any number.
1,328 rounded to the nearest thousands is 1,000
749, to the nearest 500.
It would be 0. Rounded to the nearest thousand would be 2000.
91460 to the nearest thousand 91046 to the nearest hundred 91000.2 to the nearest integer
It is: 2000 because 300 is less than 500
9000 to the nearest thousand, 10000 to the nearest ten thousands and 0 to the nearest million.