3/4 + 2 1/4 + 3/4 + 9/16
Begin by making all mixed numbers improper fractions
2 1/4 --> (2*4+1)/4 --> 9/4
3/4 + 9/4 + 3/4 + 9/16
Next, make all denominators the same by finding a common denominator (in this case, 16)
3/4 * 4/4 --> 12/16
9/4 * 4/4 --> 36/16
3/4 * 4/4 --> 12/16
12/16 + 36/16 + 12/16 + 9/16
Now add all of the numerators
Either leave the answer as 69/16 or use a calculator to find: 4.3125
three fourths
Three-fourths is one-fourth plus one-fourth plus one-fourth.
2 fourths or one half
One half is two fourths, add one fourth makes three fourths I call that three quarters.
Five tenths
one-fourths + three-fourths = four-fourths = one whole
three fourths
Three-fourths is one-fourth plus one-fourth plus one-fourth.
1 half = 2 fourths 1 fourth plus 2 fourths = 3 fourths = 3/4 = 75%
2 fourths or one half
One half is two fourths, add one fourth makes three fourths I call that three quarters.
Five tenths
First we convert to the same type, which is twenty-fourths: 6 twenty-fourths + 9 twenty-fourths + 10 twenty-fourths = 25 twenty-fourths or 1 and 1 twenty-fourth.
three and one fourth
it is three and three fourths
one half cup, or two fourths cup.