To convert 3:00 PM to the 24-hour clock format, we add 12 hours to the afternoon time. Therefore, 3:00 PM becomes 15:00 in the 24-hour clock. Adding 8 minutes to 15:00 gives us 15:08. So, 8 minutes past 3 in the afternoon in the 24-hour clock is 15:08.
At 10 minutes to 3, a digital clock would show 2:50. Or, if it's a 24 hour clock and it's 10 minutes to 3 in the afternoon, it would display 14:50.
7 minutes after 3:00 would be 3:07. This is because you are adding 7 minutes to the original time of 3:00. In a 24-hour clock system, this would be expressed as 15:07.
Fifteen minutes past three is 3:15. In the 24-hour clock system, it would be 15:15. This time can also be expressed as a fraction of an hour, which is 3.25 hours past midnight.
20 hours because the fast clock technically gains 3 minutes every hour. An hour has 60 minutes, so if you divide that by 3 you get 20.
To convert 3:00 PM to the 24-hour clock format, we add 12 hours to the afternoon time. Therefore, 3:00 PM becomes 15:00 in the 24-hour clock. Adding 8 minutes to 15:00 gives us 15:08. So, 8 minutes past 3 in the afternoon in the 24-hour clock is 15:08.
At 10 minutes to 3, a digital clock would show 2:50. Or, if it's a 24 hour clock and it's 10 minutes to 3 in the afternoon, it would display 14:50.
The clock looses 24 minutes each hour. That means in an hour, it will only move 36 minutes. When the clock gets to 3:00, it will have moved 180 minutes since midnight. 180:36 = 5. Therefore, after 5 real hours, the clock will be at 3:00am. But the clock stopped 1 hour ago (real time, I assume) therefore, the current real time is 6:00.
How to change Mazda 3 Clock settings To set the hour: 1) Put ignition in ACC or ON position 2) Press and hold "CLOCK" until beep sounds and "12 hr/24 hr" is displayed; 3) Press "SET" to select 12 or 24 hours (24 hours is military time) 4) Press "CLOCK" again while the selection is flashing "Hr ADJUST" 5) Press "SET" to select hour 6) Press "CLOCK" when done Do the same to set minutes, but select Minutes in step 4
7 minutes after 3:00 would be 3:07. This is because you are adding 7 minutes to the original time of 3:00. In a 24-hour clock system, this would be expressed as 15:07.
Fifteen minutes past three is 3:15. In the 24-hour clock system, it would be 15:15. This time can also be expressed as a fraction of an hour, which is 3.25 hours past midnight.
how can you write 7 minutes after 3 on a digital clock
1505 on the 24 hour clock (as used by the military and others) is 3:05 p.m. on the 12 hour clock.
do you mean one-third of an hour....if yes...then its 20 minutes because if you divide the clock face into three equal peices you will get 20, 40,60
3:55 in the AM and 15:55 for PM
20 hours because the fast clock technically gains 3 minutes every hour. An hour has 60 minutes, so if you divide that by 3 you get 20.
It depends upon whether you use a 12 hour clock with am and pm, or a 24 hour clock. The 12 hour clock has just 1 set of 12 consecutive numbers, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. The 24 hour clock has 13 sets of 12 consecutive numbers.