(3/4) / (3/7) is the same as saying (3/4) * (7/3). This is because with division of fractions you switch to multiplication if you take the reciprocal of the fraction in the denominator. Subsequently, you multiple the numerator and denominator in the equation which yields 21/12 which is also equal to 1 3/4 or 1.75.
To divide fractions, you multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. So, 3/4 divided by 4/7 is the same as 3/4 multiplied by 7/4. When multiplying fractions, you multiply the numerators together and the denominators together, resulting in (37)/(44) = 21/16. Therefore, 3/4 divided by 4/7 is equal to 21/16.
3 over 7
(3/14) / (4/7) = (3/14) * (7/4) = (3*7)/(14*4) = (3*1)/(2*4) = 3/8
3/7 is.
(-7/12) / (-3/4) = (7/12) / (3/4) = (7/12) * (4/3) = (7/3)*(1/3) = 7/9
3 over 7
7/8 / 3/4= 7/8 x 4/3== 7/6
(3/14) / (4/7) = (3/14) * (7/4) = (3*7)/(14*4) = (3*1)/(2*4) = 3/8
3/7 is.
(-7/12) / (-3/4) = (7/12) / (3/4) = (7/12) * (4/3) = (7/3)*(1/3) = 7/9
3/5 divided by 1/7 is 21/5 or 4 and 1/5
That's the same as 7 x 4/7 = 4
4/7 divided by 3/5 = 20/21
It is 7 over 4 as a fraction, or 1 and 3 over 4 as a mixed number.
That would be 21/4, or 5.25.