331 which is easily calculated on your computer, is 617,673,396,283,947
That means that you raise 3 to some power, that is usually understood to be an integer, and sometimes only positive: 30, 31, 32, 33, 3-1, 3-2, etc.
Lights Out - 1946 The Power of the Brute 3-31 was released on: USA: 26 March 1951
31/2*91/3 = 3.602810866
The Steve Katsos Show - 2009 Greek Power 3-31 was released on: USA: 26 March 2012
First of all, 31 is 3. Now 3-2 is 1/32, which is 1/9. So the answer is 3/9, or 1/3. If by positive indices you mean positive exponents, that would be 1/31, because 1 plus -2 is -1, so you get 3-1 which is 1/31.
That means that you raise 3 to some power, that is usually understood to be an integer, and sometimes only positive: 30, 31, 32, 33, 3-1, 3-2, etc.
x6 + 9= x6 - (-9) since i2 = -1= (x3)2 - 9i2 factor the difference of two squares= (x3 + 3i)(x3 - 3i) since 3 = (31/3)3 and -i = i3 we can write:= [x3 - (31/3)3i3] [x3 + (31/3)3i3]= [x3 - (31/3i)3] [x3 + (31/3i)3] factor the sum and the difference of two cubes= [(x - 31/3i)(x2 + 31/3ix + (31/3)2i2)] [(x + 31/3i)(x2 - 31/3ix + (31/3)2i2)]= [(x - 31/3i)(x2 + 31/3ix - (31/3)2)][(x + 31/3i)(x2 - 31/3ix - (31/3)2)]Thus, we have two factors (x - 31/3i) and (x + 31/3i),so let's find four othersAdd and subtract x2/4 to both trinomials[x2 - x2/4 + (x/2)2 + 31/3ix - (31/3)2] [x2 - x2/4 + (x/2)2 - 31/3ix - (32/3)2] combine and factor -1= {3x2/4 - [((x/2)i))2 - 31/3ix + (31/3)2]}{3x2/4 - [((x/2)i))2 + 31/3ix + (32/3)2]} write the difference of the two squares= {((3)1/2x/2))2 - [(x/2)i - 31/3]2}{((3)1/2x/2))2 - [(x/2)i + 32/3]2]} factor the difference of two squares= {[(31/2/2)x - ((1/2)i)x - 31/3)] [((31/2/2)x + ((1/2)i)x - 31/3)]} {[((31/2/2)x) - (((1/2)i)x + 31/3)] [((31/2/2)x) + ((1/2)i)x + 31/3)]}= {[(31/2/2)x - ((1/2)i)x + 31/3)] [((31/2/2)x + ((1/2)i)x - 31/3)]} {[((31/2/2)x) - ((1/2)i)x - 31/3)] [((31/2/2)x) + ((1/2)i)x + 31/3)]} simplify= {[((31/2 - i)/2))x + 31/3)] [((31/2 + i)/2))x - 31/3)]} {[((31/2 - i)/2))x - 31/3)] [((31/2+ i)/2))x + 31/3)]}so we have the 6 linear factors of x2 + 9.1) (x - 31/3i)2) (x + 31/3i)3) [((31/2 - i)/2))x + 31/3)]4) [((31/2 + i)/2))x - 31/3)]5) [((31/2 - i)/2))x - 31/3)]6) [((31/2+ i)/2))x + 31/3)]Check: Multiply:[(1)(2)][(3)(5)][(4)(6)]A) (x - 31/3i)(x + 31/3i) = x +(31/3)2B) [((31/2 - i)/2))x + 31/3)] [((31/2 - i)/2))x - 31/3)] = [(1 - (31/2)i)/2]x2 - (31/3)2C) [((31/2 + i)/2))x - 31/3)][((31/2+ i)/2))x + 31/3)] = [(1 + (31/2)i)/2]x2 - (31/3)2Multiply B) and C) and you'll get x4 - (31/3)2x2 + (31/3)4Now you have:[x +(31/3)2][x4 - (31/3)2x2 + (31/3)4] = x6 + 9
311 = 31
Any power of 3 from the first upwards (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, ...).