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Emily•Boba The•Tauru...

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Q: What is 3 to the power of 5 divided by 3 to the power of 5?
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25y**8/15y**5 25y**3/15 5y**3/3 (5/3)y**3

What is 3 to the power of negative 5?

It's the same as 1 divided by (3 to the power 5).

What does 3 to the 100 power divided by 5 equal?

3100 / 5 equals: 103,075,504,146,402,266,207,292,225,953,124,254,540,421,504,400.2

What is 2 to the power of 5 divided by 2 to the power of 2?

(2^5) / (2^2) = 2^(5-2) = 2^3 = 8

-4 to 3 power divided by -4 to 5 power?

(-4)3 divided by (-4)5 = (-4)(3-5) = (-4)-2 = 1/((-4)2) = 1/16Or evaluate each one: (-4)3 = -64, and (-4)5 = -1024, then divide (-64)/(-1024) = 1/16.

5/3 = 3 Divided by 5?

It is: 3/4 divided by 5 = 3/20

What is 3 to the 4th power divided by 3 to the 7th power equal to?

Three to the 4th power divided by 3 to the 7th power equals 0.03703703703

Why does zero power is equal to one?

To divide a number raised to one power by the same number raised to a nother power, you subtract the powers; eg 5 cubed divided by 5 squared is 5 to the power (3 - 2) ie 5. If you divide 5 cubed by 5 cubed then you have 5 to the power (3 - 3) ie 0, but 5 cubed divided by 5 cubed is 1 hence 5 to the power zero is one. This calculation holds good for any non-zero number. If you are satisfied with this reply please consider awarding a Recommended Point to the responder.

x to the power 3 times x to the power 5 divided by x to the power of 5. is it x to the power of 13?

No, the answer is X³. You can let me know if you need explanation. Thanks.

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What 3 over 4 divided by 5?

It is: 3/4 divided by 5 = 3/20