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Q: What is 3g plus 3g plus 2g plus 4g equals?
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What is the difference between 2G and 3G and 4G network?


What is 4G in welding?

1G is flat 2G is horizontal 3G is vertical 4G is overhead 5G is pipe

Iphone 2g to 3g?

iphone 4g or 5g to be used for more contact-:isoftinc

What is 2g in phones?

When they say its a 2g phone it means its a 2nd generation phone. Just like 1g 3g and 4g

What are High speed connections to the internet?

1g is slowest 2g is medium 3g is good 4G is the best.... so..... 4G

Is Nokia x2 is 3g?

No, This phone only supports GPRS(2G) and EDGE(2.5G) and have no support for 3G and 4G LTE.

What are high speed connections to the internet called?

1g is slowest 2g is medium 3g is good 4G is the best.... so..... 4G

What is 4g plus 3 plus 2g-3?


Is NOKIA x2-00 a 3G compatible?

No, This phone only supports GPRS(2G) and EDGE(2.5G) and have no support for 3G and 4G LTE.

Would a 4G phone also be able to use a 3G network?

Yes, a 4G phone would be able to use a 3G and 2G networks as well. For more information on 4G, ask your local wireless provider what their services entail.

Generally a very high-speed internet connection is referred to as?

1g is slowest 2g is medium 3g is good 4G is the best.... so..... 4G

What is 2hpower of 2 plus 3g minus 2hpowerof 2 plus 2 power of 2 minus 3 plus 4g?

2h2 + 3g - 2h2 + 22 - 3 + 4g = 7g + 5